What is the VOC?!
The Voice Over Collective is a community run, industry approved hub for all your voice-over wants and needs. We're here to help you navigate the ins and outs of the voice over industry. It's what Jay wished was available when he decided he wanted to be a voice actor. Everything you'd want to know about voice-over, the right equipment to buy, the right books to read, the right classes and workshops to take, what coaches are the best, what events can you attend, what are great resources for voice actors, what are the right voice over rates and what should you charge. It's all right here, and if it isn't, reach out and Jay will fix it.
Jay Preston created the VO Collective in 2011 as a private Facebook group in order to keep in touch with classmates from VO workshops around LA simply because he was horrible at remembering names and thought networking with like-minded talent was important. The group grew more and more each year. It stayed a private group because Jay was only one person and didn't want it to get out of control. He also never expected it to gain so much interest. With the help of some incredible friends made along this journey, the VOC has evolved into a community hub. He has realized the importance of a trustworthy collective of friends and the value of reliable information.
Jay decided to pretty much leave social media in 2019 and the VOC Facebook group merged with Tim Friedlander's Gardner St Group to become The Gardner Collective. So, now the VOC is here online for everyone to benefit from. This website and the semi-monthly VOC Newsletter is Jay's way to communicate everything with you all. No matter what group you are a part of, what level you are at, or how successful you are becoming, it's important that the right information is shared and easily accessed. We'll make sure it's always here and always up to date!
Get involved in this incredible community and help each other succeed!
Rise together!
Our VOC Pro Advisors
Each of our collective are born leaders and incredible humans. They all share the same mindset and values. We are here to bring the best of the best to you.