the HOME Studio has become industry standard, and there are many paths one can choose. Here are some of the VOC's favorite equipment, software and extras. This will be the stuff you use for your business daily, choose well, choose wise and choose what's right for your voice, not just what works for others.
Looking to make a VOICE DEMO!? Click here to browse the best demo producers in the biz!
VOC & BSW Mic Packages *UPDATED*
**Hello everyone, BSW is updated these packages and they are even better now!**
Jay Preston of the VOC and Bryan Seeley of BSW joined forces and created some amazingly discounted full on Mic packages for you all! From beginner to pro, home studio to travel. Jay is always asked what gear he'd recommend so he finally found a way to get you all the gear you need through one convenient source!
The "Just getting started" in VO Package
List Price: $643.02
This bundle won't break the bank, but it's a great, affordable entry into your VO journey. The Rode NTG2 is a great little mic that works similarly to the MKH 416 in that it won't be picking up EVERYTHING in your VO Booth or closet. This bundle can also become your on-the-road gear later down the line when you upgrade your home studio.
The "Most Versatile" VO Package
List Price: $2,588.94
This bundle is perfect for home and travel. Sounds incredible and chances are you will use this for many many years. In addition, you are getting $200 off the MKH 416, one of the vo industries standard microphones! "Everyone's gotta get a 416!" ~Jay Preston
The "Industry Standard" VO Package
List Price: $3,196.94
The TLM 103 has been one of the VO industry's go to favorites for decades! This bundle has everything you need to put into your home studio and get you recording!
The "Deluxe Industry Pro" VO Package
List Price: $5,967.94
Deluxe Industry Standard VO Package**
TLM's big brother and one of the Mic's you'll find in almost every recording studio. The U87 is one of the best! If money is no object, this package is for you.
The "Pro VO Travel" Package
This next build it yourself package, is straight from "The Booth Of Us"! Jay Preston and Megan Hensley travel and record frequently. This is what they use! It's a compact and extremely pro combination. (and they have tried MANY combinations.
The DPA 4060 Mic Kit will run you about $670 and is PERFECT for travel!
Then you'll want to grab a nice lightweight interface like the UA Apollo Solo (left) and some pro but portable headphones like the Sennheiser HD 280's (right).
Jay & Meg also suggest a solid state drive laptop to go along with all of this. They suggest the MacBook Air with the M2 chip. However if you have the cash available, you can't go wrong with a Mac Book Pro M2!
That's all the equipment you'll need, and if you are wondering about the travel booth. Head here!
Pro Microphones
Neumann Mics
From the top of the line U87 to the industries favorite TLM 103 to the newly favored (and slightly cheaper) TLM 102. You can't go wrong with Neumann. Be sure to test it out with your studio and voice before a full commitment.
The World of Sennheiser
The MKH 416 has become an industry standard for promo work. It is now one of the go-to mics for home studio's! Also below are some incredible headphones that are exceptional for travel and home studio use. Joe Cipriano has been working with BSW for some incredible deals with this Mic as well!
In fact Click Here & enter promo code 416 to get $200 off the MKH 416!
Roswell Pro Audio
An expertly crafted VO Mic!
Roswell Pro Audio’s best-selling VO mic is the Mini K87. It captures a
natural, organic sound, without added color. Each mic is assembled,
tested, and individually tuned in Roswell’s California workshop, using
audiophile-grade components.
The “high output” edition of the Mini K87 was designed specifically
for voice actors. The mic’s pristine signal path is optimized for
vocal signal levels, and delivers 6dB higher signal into the preamp.
The Mini K87 includes Roswell’s proprietary Cutaway shockmount, whichoffers superior isolation to elastic mounts, without the risk ofsympathetic resonance that would affect the recording.
You could WIN a Mini k87 in The New VORG Publication #77!
the Aston Spirit Microphone
An Extremely Affordable Mic that rival the best!

Spirit - $379
Designed and built in the UK
Multi pattern Microphone
Built in Pop filter Built in Pop filter using the latest stainless steel mesh knit technology
The Spirit is designed to deliver a beautifully open sound with sparkling harmonics. This highly accurate microphone gives a stunningly natural and transparent recording, capturing all the detail in the high range but without adding the harshness that some condenser microphones seem to.
It's even has that famed U87 sound!
SwiftShield ($89) combines the Aston Swift shock mount and the Aston Shield pop filter into one bundle, to give you the perfect set up for your studio vocal mic.
The Halo is the perfect travel companion as its light as a feather. It’s made from recycled plastic bottles that are sliced thinner than a hair. The Halo is more effective at tackling the ceiling/floor issue that is left open on other similar products
Other Mics of Mention
Here are some other VOC favorites! From the 'cream of the crop' to the 'get's the job done'!
RODE NT1Gen5 - $249
The NT1 5th Generation is a revolutionary studio condenser microphone that fuses the classic sound signature of the iconic NT1 with cutting-edge, next-generation technology. It features RØDE’s groundbreaking (patent-pending) Dual Connect output, offering both XLR and USB connectivity for incredible versatility
Soyuz Fet 017 - $2,499
The 017 FET large diaphragm condenser is one of Jay's favorites! Truly handmade capsules make these high performance microphones at home when detail, depth, and warmth are imperative to capture. The silky yet clear top end inherent in the capsule design makes the 017 perfect for complementing the subtle nuances of vocalists
Townsend Labs Sphere - $1,499
The Sphere® system is a microphone modeling system that consists of a high precision dual channel microphone, which when paired with the included Sphere plug-in (UAD, VST, AU, AAX Native) accurately models the response of a wide range of mics, including transient response, harmonics, proximity effect and three-dimensional polar response.
Manley Ref C - $3,499
The Manley Reference Cardioid Tube Microphone has that “finished” sound right out of the box, making it the favorite vocal mic of top producers and voiceover artists alike. Some refer to the Manley Ref C as the “Just Add Talent” microphone. Check out the website to compare all three versions HERE <--
USB Microphones
The Tula Mic
One of "The Booth of Us'" favorite travel mics The Tula is all the equipment you need to intuitively capture and record high-quality sound no matter what you’re doing! They teamed up with a well-known Swedish music software company to create an embedded version of their noise-reduction algorithm. With just the touch of a button, you can get rid of unwanted background noise such as fans, air conditioners or even traffic.

the World of Apogee
A woman owned business that continues to innovate and create some of the best audio gear for us all!
From Incredible USB mics
To amazing Interfaces
USB/Phone Mics
Low cost microphones ready to plug in and start recording! Many people start off with a USB mic while they are getting into voice over. One of the great things about them, is they are great for travel audition mics later on down the road as you build your pro studio! Here are some of our favorites!
So many to choose from out there! The higher end one's are great for those of you with that sound engineer ear. Whatever you get, just make sure it's for pro sound or studio use. Headphones made for leisure music listening just don't cut it.
Preamps / Converters / Interfaces
When you upgrade that mic, it's best to get an external Pre & Converter, or just an Interface that combines both. The purpose of a preamp is to amplify low level signals to line level, i.e. the “standard” operating level of your recording gear. More info HERE & HERE.
Once you've done some learning, here are our favorites!
Top of the line (if your mic cost over $600)
** Updating Soon! **
Budget Friendly or Travel (if your mic cost under $600)
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The New CEntrance MicPort Pro 2L!
And be sure to check out the MixerFace which integrates your iPhone, iPad or Android device into the audio production workflow making mobile recording easy for broadcasters, musicians and VO artists on-the-go. Combined with a long-lasting rechargeable battery, two Neutrik combo jacks, headphone monitor and 24-bit/192kHz converters, you get an unbeatable mobile production tool, right in your pocket.
Enter code : CE-VOC at checkout to let them know you found them here! :-)
** Updating Soon! **
Acoustic Treatment
Sound Panels & Making your booth Pro
Create your own!
VOC member Tim Tippets shows you how it's done!
Visit him at Votechguru.com
Get expert advice!
Here are some VOC members who are experts in Helping you figure out your home studio!
The Tri Booth!

Created by VOC members Rick Wasserman & George "The Tech" Whittam,
Tri-Booth manufactures professional sound isolation booths for home & portable recording studios - voice over, broadcast, audiobooks, animation, and more, all size spaces & budgets. Reclaim your closet with Tri-Booth!
EVERY single space is it's own beast. Your best bet, is to find someone who knows what they are doing and have them help. Here are some places to start looking and researching. All booths (or closets) are unique and they all need their own TLC.
TECH EMERGENCY!? Hit up George The Tech!
VOC George "The Tech" Whittam is here! Book some time to talk through your technical needs, solve issues, and receive recommendations for gear and studio acoustics upgrades.
Mention Code : VOCGTT10OFF
That will get you 10% off on scheduled services!
Full Custom Booths
And sometimes you just want to buy one that's perfect. There are many VO Booth manufacturers out there. The prices range from ridiculous to affordable. Do your research, try it out first if you can and then get the one that fits you and your style and your home the best. Keep in mind. It's an investment for your future and you will be spending A LOT of time in these. Make it count.
Studio Bricks Booths are just wonderful. Not only do they look great, they are a favorite among VOC members. Studiobricks booths isolate 45 dB and up. And there is a wide range of custom options!
Scott Peterson is a voice actor and custom booth maker! They take a little longer to create, but they can be tailor made to your needs and budget! Check them out!
VocalBooth.com has been creating some awesome Vo booths for years. Available in a single or double-wall design, and are also offered in a pentagonal shaped design called the Diamond Series in four sizes.
Sound Blocking & Sound Absorption DIY
Buying sound booths & getting things custom made can be very pricey. Many don't have the funds to spend at the start. So here are some great options to get you started. As an added plus all of these can be used to set up mobil studios while traveling or on vacation!The misconception that sound solutions are soundproof-based commonly occurs. But when fixing sound issues, blocking all sound is not always the best or desired solution. While both acoustic products reduce unwanted sound, they accomplish sound reduction by different means, and are best suited to different applications. Below is a great video that explains in more detail.
Sound Absorption
Sound absorption materials absorb unwanted noise, like an echo, within a room. Sound absorption is the process by which sound waves are taken in or soaked up by soft surfaces.
** Updating Soon! **
Sound Blocking
Sound-insulating or "blocking" materials effectively block or stop sound waves from traveling to adjacent spaces. Soundproofing materials and products are typically found inside walls, making soundproofing efforts inconvenient to accomplish once a structure is built.
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Ways to hang it!
Then of course, you'll need ways to hang it. You can always drill nails into walls, but we've found these products below seem to work great! TIP If you go the PVC route, make sure to get the same size connectors!
** Updating Soon! **
Editing Software
From industry standard to VOC favorites. Here's what we recommend you record and edit your audio with!
Travel Software & Apps
Recording from your laptop, iPad or phone? On the go!? Apple or Android device!? Here's what works for us.
Coaching Available
Audio Software Plug-Ins
So you've got it all, you've learned your audio editing software, no grab some plug-ins
and learn how to make everything sound better and your life even easier!
Flexible dynamics processing for classic and modern compression styles
Add amazing color to your recordings!
*New Era 5 Bundle
The Whole bundle is amazing,
but the noise remover is incredible!
Brusfri Noise Reducer
An amazing plug in or app for your IOS
Digital Recording
Making the digital connection
All three of these platforms digitally connects the voice-talent, who is at one studio and the client (producer) who is at another studio.
Source Connect
Integrated Services Digital Network is a system of digital phone connections, which allow recording studios to ’link up’ digitally, and share and transmit audio files simultaneously around the world with digital quality. Usually $2,000 for the ISDN unit, plus a few hundred dollars to have your local telephone company hook up ISDN phone-lines (if they can) into your home-studio, plus standard monthly fees from your telephone compnay. This info is from Edge Studios
Source-Connect is a VOC Favorite and just happens to be the most popular world wide solution for VO talent and Producers to record and monitor remotely over the internet or for bridging to ISDN. Source-Connect is backed by the best live support team in the industry, visit Source-Elements.com.
ipDTL is ISDN in the cloud. With just your web browser, you can dial and receive ISDN calls, setup a phone-patch, or send a link which your client can open up in their browser to connect with you. A Day Pass costs just $15
ConnectionOpen....the ULTIMATE ISDN replacement technology is a stand alone application that allows multi-participant, uncompressed audio sessions with near zero latency & also has a solo and session recording feature built right into the application and has a plug-in suite (AAX/VST/AU) that integrates directly with your DAW. With superior quality and reliability, we believe ConnectionOpen can not only redefine the expectations of VOIP, but also revolutionise its use in business, education and entertainment. An online communication tool that enables users located thousands of miles apart to connect and interact as if they were in the same room. As a cost effective software solution, the accessibility of our system unlocks a whole new world of possibilities to explore; the key is ConnectionOpen.